CongregationKehilath Jeshurun
New York, New York
Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun is an Orthodox synagogue located in Manhattan’s upper-east side. The Sanctuary was built in 1872. In July of 2011 the Synagogue suffered a massive fire which charred the entire interior of the structure. Luckily, the exterior shell of the building was still salvageable and did not have be replaced.
The stained glass was severely damaged by the blaze, and almost 60% of the windows were either shattered or fell victim to heat-shock. Any glass that was salvageable was saved and restored.
The majority of the stained glass was replicated in kind. The windows were reinstalled into custom, thermally-broken, triple glazed aluminum frames. Insulated units were applied as the exterior protective glazing along with new flashing details.
The interior side of the frames were fitted with a blast-mitigation system to protect against a possible terror attack.
The south façade’s large balcony windows were originally dressed with Corinthian capitals and wood mouldings that were damaged in the fire. They were replaced with custom fibre-reinforced plastic mouldings and capitols that were replicated to match the originals.
All of the frames that house the stained glass were vented to the interior air, creating an isothermal setting that will protect the windows for many years to come.